+7 (708) 816-51-52
We are proud of our work, because we are created to improve!
+7 (708) 816-51-52
Certification of management systems
We are proud of our work, because we are created to improve!
ARG GROUP provides services for certification of management systems for compliance with the requirements of international standards.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is one of the largest and most significant organizations involved in the development of international standards.
An ISO standard is a document that establishes requirements, specifications, guidelines or characteristics according to which materials, products, processes and services that are suitable for these purposes can be used.

We are the Gold Partner of TÜV NORD CERT.

TÜV NORD CERT is one of the largest and oldest organizations engaged in technical supervision since 1869.

Certification in TÜV NORD, accredited by the German accreditation body DAkkS, is a sign for partners and buyers all over the world that the company produces high–quality, safe, reliable products.
ARG GROUP provides services for certification of management systems for compliance with the requirements of international standards.
Meet customer needs as productively as possible;
Working according to ISO standards, the company stands out in the market because effective quality management allows:
Use time and money resources more efficiently;
To eliminate errors in a coordinated and prompt manner;
To bring the motivation and involvement of staff to a new level, contributing to the improvement of internal processes;
Receive preferential credit terms and benefits when participating in tenders;
Meet the requirements of foreign partners;
Increase loyalty to the company from the authorities.
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